The online exam that you will sit is the exclusive property of Assen Zlatarov University - Burgas and we require that this is respected and that the Terms & Conditions shown below are agreed to and observed.

  1. The online exam is recorded.
  2. A webcam must be in place which displays the environment for the individual with video, audio, remote screen share and instant messaging, пicrophone,headphone, Network connection.
  3. Candidates should not take any actions that compromise the integrity or confidentiality of the exam.
  4. These actions include but are not limited to:
    • - capturing any part of the exam for reference purposes;
    • - giving or receiving any assistance during the exam;
    • - accessing the internet at any time during the exam, with the exception of taking the online exam;
    • - communicating with any 3rd party either directly, by landline, mobile phone, email or social media;
    • - providing false information such as identity or asking someone to take the exam on your behalf.
  5. The contents of all on-line exams are confidential and are the property of Assen Zlatarov University-Burgas.. Candidates are prohibited from sharing, publishing or reproducing any part of the exam in any format either written, verbally or electronically via the internet, email or social media.
  6. Any candidate wishing to appeal against an examination result may do so in writing to of Assen Zlatarov University - Burgas within 1 months of the date of their exam.
  7. In the event of any suspicious results or activities, Assen Zlatarov University - Burgas reserves the right to suspend the candidate.

Important! If the invigilator (proctor) observes or suspects a candidate of cheating, that candidate will be asked to stop the exam process and the exam will be considered void. The consequence is invalidation of the exam result.


When our accounting department receives your payment, a profile will be created in the exam system. Instructions for this will be sent to your email when you log into the grading system. In this system you can solve mock tests and appear for exams.

Biology Test

The Test duration is 60 min. and it consists of 30 questions. Maximum score is 30 points.

Syllabus Biology

Sample test Biology

Chemistry Test

The Test duration is 60 min. and it consists of 30 questions. There 15 questions from Organic chemistry and 15 from Inorganic chemistry. Each question awards 1.5/2.5/3.0 points based on its difficulty.

Maximum score is 70 points.

Syllabus Chemistry

Sample test Chemistry

English Diagnostic Test

This test is designed to evaluate the level of competence in English language of candidates who are not in possession of an official English Language Certificate. The level required to study at university is minimum B1 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference.

The test duration is 60 min and it consists of two main elements: Reading Comprehension Tasks and Use of English Tasks. Each correct answer is granted 1 point and the maximum number of points is 50. Incorrect answers are not penalized. To pass the test successfully, candidates need to score a minimum of 25 points, which is 50% of the total scores.

  1. Reading Comprehension (Questions 1 -10) consists of two tasks, where candidates are required to answer five questions, multiple choice or True / False ones. Texts are designed to test candidates’ ability to apply their English language knowledge in reading and understanding general texts, as well as their ability to extract relevant information from the text – facts and opinions, either stated directly or hinted by the context, understand nuances of words and word combinations, and draw conclusions.
  2. Use of English consists of two multiple choice tasks focusing on grammar and vocabulary, respectively.
    1. Lexical Task (Questions 11 -30) contains twenty gapped sentences for which there are four choices suggested – A, B, C or D. Each correct answer is granted 1 point. This task is designed to assess candidates’ command of English lexical units, such as collocations, set phrases, and word combinations.
    2. Grammar Task (Questions 31 -50)contains twenty gapped sentences and four answers suggested for each gap – A, B, C or D. Each correct answer is granted 1 point. The aim of the task is to assess candidates’ command of English grammatical or sentence structures. This might include verb tenses, passive and reporting structures, as well as sentence word order.

It is recommended that you test your account and password on the day before the dates of the exams.

On the day of the examinations, you should log in no earlier than 30 minutes before the beginning of the exam and follow the steps:

  1. follow the link to the video-conferencing channel, where an invigilator will be waiting to check your ID/Passport;
  2. follow the link to the e-tests system and enter username and password given via e-mail;
  3. select course for the relevant date;
  4. select test for the appropriate hour.


Entry exam fee Biology, Chemistry + English B1 Level Test - 300€

Document processing expenses fee - 150€

Bank account

Address: 1 “Prof. Yakim Yakimov” Str.
Burgas, Bulgaria

Bank name: DSKBank
Bank address: 12, St. St. Cyril and Methodius,  Burgas city

IBAN: BG90 STSA 9300 3100 0011 00
Currency: BGN

Information for candidate student:   name, surname
Candidate student e-mail: 
Description: “Candidate student fee.”