Faculty of Medicine

About us

On 10.05.2019 the 44th National Assembly adopted a decision to open a Faculty of Medicine in the structure of the University "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" - Burgas.  The faculty trains students in educational-qualification degree "Master" of the specialty "Medicine" - curriculum, qualification characteristics.

Faculty of Medicine at the University "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" - Burgas is the only faculty of medicine on the territory of South-Eastern Bulgaria, with an established modern University structure for training of doctors with educational and qualification degree "Master" and professional qualification "Doctor" in accordance with the Ordinance on Uniform State Requirements.

The Faculty of Medicine carries out its activities on the basis of the Law on Higher Education, the Law on the Development of the Academic Staff in the Republic of Bulgaria and in accordance with the normative documents of the University "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" - Burgas.

The entire activity of the Faculty of Medicine is subordinated to its mission and main goal: "Training of highly qualified doctors in demand on the labour market, oriented to the development and introduction of innovative technologies for diagnosis, treatment and prevention, brought up in a spirit of philanthropy and compassion".

The Faculty of Medicine pursues a modern educational policy in line with global standards and national laws, which is focused on:

  • Training of students for the acquisition of Master's degree in professional field 7.1. "Medicine", full-time form of study;
  • Postgraduate and continuing education in the specialties of the professional field "Medicine" for the needs of medical science and practice;
  • Fundamental and applied scientific research.
  • Expert activity in the field of healthcare.

The training in the specialty “Medicine” is carried out only in a full-time form of training according to the curriculum developed on the basis of the uniform state requirements for the specialty. The course of study is six years. It includes ten academic semesters and a pre-graduate internship during which state exams are taken.

After completing the full course of study and successfully passing the state exams, the students receive a diploma for completed higher education with a professional qualification “Doctor” and acquire an educational qualification degree "Master".


  • Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Deontology;
  • Physics, Biophysics, Radiography and Radiology;
  • Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology and Microbiology;
  • Physiology, Pathophysiology, Medical Genetics, Parasitology, Clinical Laboratory and Immunology;
  • Internal Medicine, Social Medicine, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Disaster Medicine;
  • Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Tropical Diseases;
  • Anesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surgery, Orthopedics, Traumatology, Urology, Neurosurgery and Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care;
  • Nervous system diseases, Psychiatry and Psychology;
  • Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, and Venereology.


Application requirements: completed secondary education

Admission: full-time studies

Entrance exams in English: Biology and Chemistry

Education: 6-year study period (10 semesters and 1 year of pre-degree internship)

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