On the basis of Art. 13 of the Regulations for educational activities at the University "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov"-Burgas, to fill vacant places in the specialty "Medicine" (English-language tuition), for paid tuition (DMC No. 478 of July 4, 2024, item 2.18), and in connection with the Rector's Order, UD No. 335/13.09.2024, University "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov"-Burgas, announces admission.

  1. Candidate documents of candidates who meet the following conditions are accepted:
    1. To have completed secondary education and have received a diploma that entitles them to apply to higher education institutions in the country where secondary education was completed;
    2. To have studied and received grades in biology and chemistry in secondary school;
    3. For citizens of non-EU and non-EEA countries, the average grade in biology and chemistry from the secondary education diploma must be no lower than 62% of the maximum for the country in which the secondary education was completed;
    4. Applicants who have Science, Additional Science and similar subjects in their high school diploma instead of Biology and Chemistry must submit a document (legalized, translated and certified) from their high school indicating what these subjects include.
    5. have successfully passed competitive exams in the current year in biology and chemistry in English at another legitimate higher education institution;
  2. Applicants must submit the following documents:
    1. application in English according to the model (link);
    2. a legalized copy of a secondary education diploma with a certified translation into Bulgarian;
    3. a document issued by a competent authority certifying the applicant's right to continue his studies at a university (legalized and with a certified translation into Bulgarian);
    4. Certificate from the Regional Department of Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture for a recognized completed secondary education with grades converted to the grades according to Art. 9 para. 1 of Ordinance 11 / 01.09.2016 for evaluating the results of students' training;
    5. Copy of a valid document proving citizenship (not residency);
    6. official notes for the recognition of the grades from the biology and chemistry exams in English from another higher education institution;
    7. document of English language proficiency at level B1, for citizens for whom English is not an official language.
    8. copy of document for paid fee of 150 euros for document processing.
  3. Applicant documents should be submitted to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    1. Period of acceptance of documents - from 20.09.24 to 27.09.24.
    2. Ranking of accepted students - on 28.09.24 after 4.30 p.m.
    3. Deadline for enrollment of accepted students – from 29.09.24